The WolfQuest game does not collect any information from players, except for those who create a player account in the game. For those players, we collect the following data:
- Username, email address, and password, to allow players to maintain a game account.
- Game-based data (wolf names, in-game progress, and achievements).
We do not sell, publish, or otherwise distribute this information to any other organization or company. WolfQuest users or their parents/guardians have the right to review this information and may have it deleted if desired, by contacting us at We do not collect or store in-game chat transcripts, except when submitted by a player to report a player breaking multiplayer rules.
WolfQuest complies with the U.S. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by requiring parental consent. When children under the age of 13 try to register an account in the game, we require that their parent or guardian provide verified parental consent, via a third-party service, AgeCheq, for this procedure. Please see the
AgeCheq website for more information on this procedure.
WolfQuest multiplayer games feature an in-game chat system that allows players to communicate with each other. By starting or joining a WolfQuest multiplayer game, you agree not to use any abusive, vulgar, sexually-oriented, or otherwise inappropriate language and behavior, or anything else deemed 'not allowed' in the
WolfQuest Multiplayer Game Rules. Doing so may lead to you being permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed necessary.
All chat text is filtered through a list of offensive words, WolfQuest cannot guarantee that in-game chat won't contain inappropriate content, nor can we guarantee that players will behave appropriately. By entering WolfQuest multiplayer games, you assume all risks associated with online game and chat communication with unknown players.
We encourage children under 13 to participate only in password-protected Private Games with known friends to minimize the risk of inappropriate chat content.
If you observe inappropriate chat or behavior in a multiplayer game, please help us improve WolfQuest by reporting it using the in-game reporting function (in Pack Stats). All abuse reports are confidential.