Preschool Single-day Class
Thursday, August 30
Morning session - 9:30am-noon
Afternoon session - 1pm-3:30pm
Over the years the wolf has received quite a reputation. Is this deserved? We will investigate these secretive animals. We will also discover the
unique relationship between wolves and ravens. Do they really play together? Come and find out.
Grades 5 & 6 Week-long class
June 9-13
July 28-Aug 1
Do wolves howl at the moon? Are wolves really big and bad? Come and decipher the truth about how they live, hunt, communicate, and care for their young
without blowing down houses.
Grades 1 & 2 Week-long class
June 18-22
July 9-13
July 16-20
August 13-17
All sessions: 8am-noon
Come investigate the lives of tigers and wolves. Learn how they hunt and communicate — howl, growl, roar, and purr. We will check out these predators
and spend time learning about domestic animals we have in our horses and on our farms, including descendants of wolves and tigers, cats and dogs.