Our mission is to connect people, animals and the natural world, which means we're dedicated to inspiring people to act on behalf of the environment. To
accomplish this, we provide award-winning recreational, educational and conservation programs, locally, nationally and internationally.
The Minnesota Zoo is a member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums.
At the Minnesota Zoo, our mission is to create a conservation culture by incorporating conservation into the everyday fabric of our activities and programs.
Conservation education involves inspiring both staff and guests to make measurable changes in their attitudes and behavior that ultimately benefit wildlife and
wildlife habitat. The Zoo has a conservation department dedicated to implementing conservation programs both locally and worldwide. However, we consider
practicing conservation at the Minnesota Zoo to be the highest priority for everyone. In this way, conservation is a zoo-wide team effort. Through this effort we
hope to inspire our guests to give of themselves and their resources to help in this worldwide conservation endeavor.
The Minnesota Zoo participates in twenty four AZA Species Survival Plans. Our Conservation Director coordinates the AZA Tiger Species Survival
Plan® (SSP®), which currently manages three of the five remaining tiger subspecies, and continues to coordinate global tiger conservation programs
through the Tiger Global Conservation Strategy. Zoo staff serve as AZA approved studbook keepers for eight species in our collection.
Some of our more notable achievements include the creation and support of the Adopt-A-Park Program in Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, and in Way Kambas
National Park in Sumatra, Indonesia, and the initiation of both in situ and ex situ tiger conservation programs in Southeast Asia. Locally, the Minnesota Zoo
partners with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources on the restoration of the Trumpeter swan. Over 110 swans have either been hatched and/or held at the
Minnesota Zoo before release. The Minnesota Zoo is also actively involved in the Mexican Gray Wolf program in the Species Survival Plan®.
We at the Minnesota Zoo strive to be conservation leaders both within our fences and beyond our gates. We need your help as essential conservation partners
to continue to make these programs successful.