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Dashing Through the Snow

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:21 pm
by loboLoco

We’re digging deeper into winter verisimilitude, which means that deep snow is coming to WolfQuest in the next patch! Snow so deep that animals make tracks as they move through it!

I’ve wanted to add this feature to the game for a long time, but the devil is in the details, creating many complications with animals of different sizes and various objects like meat chunks and collectible objects all needing to respond differently to deep snow. So it’s always been far down in the priority list. But this summer I brought in Raul Turcus, a Unity developer in Romania, to help with some things for the upcoming Lost River DLC -- and after finished that, I asked him to tackle the deep snow. As always, it was again more complicated than we’d thought, but it’s really coming together now. Today’s video shows how it looks -- in the game and under the hood.

Deep snow uses a technique called tessellation, which subdivides the triangles on the terrain, creating a much denser grid, which allows more detailed deformation of the rendered surface. Drawing so many more triangles does have a performance impact, and so deep snow will only be enabled on higher graphics quality levels (with several quality options to chose from on those).

We’re still working on tweaks and polish but deep snow and animal tracks will be included in the next patch, v1.0.8p, which we expect to release in a few weeks.


The WolfQuest saga will continue! Stay tuned for more news in upcoming devblogs about it and other new features!

Once the game is completed on PC/Mac, we will turn our attention to other platforms.

We do not announce specific release dates. We will release them when they are ready.

Re: Dashing Through the Snow

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:13 pm
by -Wolfdog-
This is SO awesome!! I’ve suggested something similar awhile back, about the snow mechanics being similar to RDR2 deep snow effects. I’m so glad it’s finally being added. It will definitely give the impression that it is in fact, deep winter. The current snow track effects are a little too simplistic and make the snow look as if it’s less than an inch thick. The winter in this game will now feel way more immersive! And the little hopping animation is truly incredible. :).

(PS I don’t see the video uploaded in your post?)
Edit: There seems to be 2 posts about the same update!

Re: Dashing Through the Snow

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:19 am
by loboLoco
oops, fixed!