Public Beta for v1.0.8l

Find out what we're doing and thinking as we develop WolfQuest 3: Anniversary Edition and the Tower Fall expansion!

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Public Beta for v1.0.8l

Post by loboLoco » Wed May 04, 2022 12:50 pm

The next patch, v1.0.8l, is now in public beta!

This features the new in-game injury system plus a whole lot more. But first: this patch is not backward-compatible with the last patch, 1.0.8k, so if you get this beta, then switch back to 1.0.8k, the game will break. We recommend making a backup of your User Files folder if you think you might want to switch back to it. You'll find that on Windows here: Documents\My Games\Wolf Quest Anniversary. And on MacOS, in your User directory/Wolf Quest Anniversary. (If you're not sure what's involved with that, you might just wait until this patch is out in general release. It shouldn't be too long.)

The new injury system has two tiers of injuries: major and minor. (Watch the devblog linked below for more info.) We're looking for feedback about the frequency of both types of injuries. Our goal is for players to typically get several minor injuries over the course of the game-year (from fall through Endless Summer), and perhaps one or two major injuries in that time, depending on how cautious or reckless they are. We'd like feedback about that goal, and then especially detailed feedback about how frequently you get injuries. One of our beta testers, Rowan, created a Google spreadsheet to track this data, noting each hunt, each competitor fight, etc., and everyone is welcome to make a copy of it and use it. If you use this, then share it with us by sending the link to You can also keep notes on a scratchpad and submit a Feedback Report (F11 in game) with your notes. Thanks!

What else is new? We've added three new dens, nestled underneath the roots of old Douglas-fir trees. And lots more! Browse the notes below for details.

We hope to release this patch next week -- along with the new DLC pack!

* New Injury System devblog:
* Google Spreadsheet for tracking injuries: ... edit#gid=0.
Our email address:


* Player wolf and mate can get injured when taking damage from NPCs. Wolves can suffer a minor injury anytime, but can get a major injury only when they currently have a minor injury, and health is below 60% so it's prudent to avoid danger when you have a minor injury.
* Minor injuries reduce one attribute (Speed, Strength, or Stamina) by 1 and last 1-2 days (healing is faster when health is above 90%).
* Major injuries reduce one attribute by 7 and have one other effect: Slower eating with jaw injury, faster stamina drain when sprinting with torso or leg injury. They last 2-4 days (healing is faster when health is high).
* Major injuries to jaw and torso have no visual manifestation.
* Major injuries to the legs cause the wolf to limp until the injury is healed. Note that the wolf does not treat the limpy leg differently when laying down or doing some actions (it's not horribly painful, it's just sensitive to bearing weight, though there are moments, especially during intense action, when the wolf will put weight on it).
* Mates can suffer injuries (indicated with slash marks on mate's health meter in the wolf badge). They won't carry pups or other things with a major jaw injury, and they lag behind if they have a major leg injury. NPCs can also suffer injuries, but it's unlikely to occur.

* Three new dens underneath tree roots in central and eastern Slough Creek.

* In Slough Creek Endless Summer, a new button on Pack Info to jump ahead to next year, carrying over your current territory to Establish Territory quest.
* In multiplayer, you can choose an initial season when starting a new Territory Quest or Pack Life game in Amethyst or Slough Creek.
* "Favorite" toggle on My Wolves, and filtering option to show only Favorites.
* Wolf bio moved to its own tab on Pack Info, with readout of coat name and K locus at bottom.

* Modified the spinaround actions so if NPC animal is fleeing, it must first decelerate before spinning around. (This is intended to help the "turn on a dime spinaround" issue when attacking fleeing animals.
* Boar grizzly roars at start of charging attack.
* Most major body customizations (like ears) are visible in scent view.
* Wolf now has its own barks, none shared with coyotes.
* Added a delay before mate regurgitates after sleeping.
* Amethyst cliff rocks now have nice blending between mesh and terrain.
* New notification text if grizzly kills a pup but then is chased away.
* Dispersal wolves now have a small chance of having a body customization.
* Grizzly fights: Variety of tweaks and refinements.
* Competitor and prey NPCs now look at you (follow your movements) during confrontations.
* Increased maximum food points on moose carcasses.
* Added scent gland mark on wolf tails.
* Autosave icon now respects Hide HUD.
* Hide HUD alert appears for two seconds now instead of three.
* Added an alert if player tries to save a game with a name (such as "con") reserved by Windows file system.
* Controls: Added entries for beaver ambush actions to Controls Remapper.
* Pup sickness: Reduced maximum duration a bit.
* Reduced the maximum effect of bent and flat ears (which didn't work well with some animations like howling).
* Bigger teeth on wolves, the better to eat you with.
* Some improved wind audio.
* Declining pup hunger will prompt mates to go hunting sooner than previously.
* Pups get hungry a bit faster.
* Better Douglas-fir bark texture.
* In Pack Info, readouts turn red when they become concerning.
* Hunger meter on wolf badge has yellow tinted area indicating extra food storage for pups.

* Options menu doesn't stay open on newborn pups screen.
* On Load Game and Saved Game panels, multi-select deletion doesn't work.
* Some international letters don't appear properly in Saved Game naming field.
* Activating Photo Mode just as a quest is completed will freeze the game.
* World Map is low opacity, and missing rival pack names, if opened in a certain sequence.
* Lost River music stops playing after sleeping.
* Music stops at certain point during Loaf at Rendezvous Site.
* Multiplayer: Danger at Den music plays during rival wolf territorial fight if traveling to new homesite.
* Multiplayer den fights get out of whack after the first player dies or otherwise disengages from the fight.
* Multiplayer: Various glitches where the game gets stuck waiting for a player to respond.
* Controller not detected if it's active before launching the game.
* Controller not detected if plugged in while game scene is loading.
* Controller: Custom control mappings are not loading when controller is connected but not used at game start.
* Controller glyphs missing on certain Game Help entries.
* Beaver scent trails don't get cleared during season transitions, so they can be very very old.
* Player gets stuck if sleeping in the den when Raise Pups quest ends, and then sleeps again before exiting den.
* Wolf carousel breaks after certain sequence of actions
* Mate starts to return to den when it has regurgitant but immediately stops some distance away.
* Mate hangs out far from den when it has food to regurgitate.
* Flea Load notification won't go away in certain circumstances.
* When game resolution is low, targeting arrow covers up target animal.
* Some runts are not smaller than other pups.
* Sometimes pup blocks player from digging out a new den.
* Occasional issues when logging into account.
* Icons for newer coats on Wolf Customization don't have rounded corners.
* Can't earn Second Timers achievement.
* Eagle attack on den never ends.
* Wolf gets duplicated if two wolves have the same ID when player pulls from server.
* Stray tuft of fur on wolf's right ear.
* Added names for coats without them.
* Tree issues with lighting and snow.
* Text errors.
* Terrain and water issues.
WolfQuest Game Producer

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