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Saber tooth cat, Dire wolf and Short faced bear.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 4:48 pm
by GK83
So these 3 Apex predators all shared the same plains and habitat. Who went extinct about 10000 Years ago. Each of them had to compete with each other in a place filled with prey such as horses, camels, and even mammoth.
I'd like to know your opinion on which of these Extinct animals would've actually had a better chance of survival than the other. In case of a less tragic Incident like the one that happened to all of them.

Re: Saber tooth cat, Dire wolf and Short faced bear.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:24 pm
by Phasoli
Back in the day, I had a bias toward Dire Wolves because I adored (and still adore) wolves at the time. Nowadays, in terms of likability, I enjoy all three. In terms of who is most fit to survive a population hiccup, it's generally hard to say. All three don't seem to be very adaptive in terms of their diet, since they were hypercarnivores.