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Mice and Cheese

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:02 am
by Koroda
Most people associate mice with cheese. In fact, I bet some stories about mice involve cheese. But is this actually true? The answer is no. Mice actually don't LOVE cheese. Some cheese is poisonous to mice, and its just not their kind of food. Mice like foods with more sugar like grains and seeds, not cheesy food like well, cheese. Say you have a mouse with 2 things near it, cheese and seed. It would eat the seed, not the cheese. If there was just cheese, the mouse would most likely eat it only if it was very hungry. Sorry if there is another forum like this or any of this information is incorrect.

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:14 pm
by Neamara
I just love how common this misconception about mice and cheese is.

Clarification on the matter certainly does help, though, as I'm aware of a few stories that claim people intended to poison the mice they were baiting. :roll:

Still, interesting read.
Thanks for sharing this Koroda. ^^

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:32 pm
by Koa
We've had mice problems before, and when one of them was in our pantry we noticed they went for the Flaming Hot Cheetoes. I don't know what it did to the mouse, but let's just say we didn't have any problems for awhile.

I believe we've tried peanut and it worked well, but generally we stick with mouse traps. Cheese.. never tried it, but I guess because like you said it doesn't work well.

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:38 am
by ForgottenDreams
Thanks for sharing, Koroda. In fact, I've seen many online games with mice being associated with cheese, but it never struck me if they actually loved it as much as some say. I suppose that this 'theory' is a bit like the one which some believe that wolves howl at midnight. :roll:

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:02 pm
by Black Velvet
Did somebody say cheese?! :mrgreen:

I never knew that cheese isn't a mouse's favorite dish. Of course it would make sense that the mouse would want to go for the grains or sugars, because that could be found in the wild. I wonder how the mouse and cheese thing came to be. Perhaps it's one of those old wives tales or something?
Perhaps people associated mice with cheese when it came to trapping them. I guess when the first mouse trap caught a mouse, it was probably baited with cheese. Thus, everybody decided to use cheese as bait thinking it is the ideal food for attracting mice.
You may have a point about this. When it came to us trapping mice, we didn't use cheese. (Not to worry, we used the humane traps and would set the mice free in a new place). For bait, we would use a tiny piece of bread covered with peanut butter... and they LOVED it. Whenever we did use cheese for bait, we didn't catch anything.

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:03 pm
by LeaderOfDreams
Hmm..I guessed mice didn't eat cheese in their natural habitat. I just thought it was something they'd eat if found in the rubbish ect. I think the reason why people clean their kitchens and rooms in their room and then put down their mouse traps with cheese is a way to prove what you've said.

For some reason I have a new found love for mice and thanks for sharing.

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:33 am
by Rosari
yeah I know, this a major misconception about mice. mice prefer grains and seeds over cheese. that oh-so-famous cartoon: Tom and Jerry has Jerry getting into trouble because he keeps stealing cheese, would simply be not true. but much media about mice are wrong, these movies and cartoons aren't made with the purpose to educate people about mice, they're there for entertainment. so many misconceptions about lots of animals get formed.

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:07 am
by Siberian Husky
I own two pet mice, and I would never even consider giving them cheese since mice are lactose intolerant.

Mice aren't really all that fond of cheese though, they are much more interested in grains like Rosari said.

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:01 am
by pengo123
Everyone thinks that mice only eat cheese,but to be honest they don't ...well they eat anything!

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 6:08 pm
by WolvesOfTheSeas
Thanks pengo123 It was interesting about Mice And Cheese. Lol. Just like Tom and Jerry! LOl

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:02 am
by Honey wolf
Thanks for sharing this! I've never known much about mice, all I really knew was that they liked cheese. But I was wrong.

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:17 am
by VianaBoo567
My family used to have about six mice (I know crazy) and never once did we feed them cheese, we feed them this mice food which had grains and seeds. :mrgreen:

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:41 am
by feusefanant
Your'e right, alot of cheese is poisonous to mice (hence why people originally began using it in traps.) I never understood why it became so closely associated with them...

Re: Mice and Cheese

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:07 pm
by DaniBeez
Oops, have definitely fallen for this association! The more you know.

I was stocking our house's snap traps with peanut butter, but it would go mouldy after a while (using the "natural" kind was probably why). So I started using cheese, which seems to last longer before spoiling. Caught one so far with the cheese.

Shawn Woods has an amazing youtube channel all about trapping rodents. I learned a lot! I bet my landlord would take our rodent problem seriously if I sent him a picture of a bucket filled with drowned mice :roll: .