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(Tablet) No private games [Fixed]

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:01 pm
by SamueWolfSword
Version: 2.7.2p6 (Mobile)
Tablet: Ipad mini 2 with IOS 10.0.2

Issue: When trying to start a private game, the ''Start Game'' button is a lighter color than usual/unclickable, even if I put in an appropriate Game Name and Password (Like 'Wolf' and 'Tree').

Solution: When you are done typing, press the ''Done'' button.

(Even though I figured it out I thought I should post this because it took me a few weeks to figure it out.)
When I am going to type something into WolfQuest a keyboard appears with a text box above it. On the right side of the text box are the buttons ''Cancel'' and ''Done''. If I tap away from the keyboard and text box then the text is put into whatever I was trying to type into on WolfQuest. (This might be different on non-ipad versions)