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How to Find Your Friends

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:15 pm
by Thandi
How to Find Your Friends
Do you know someone that plays WolfQuest, but you can't exactly remember their username?
Want to know if a username is already taken or not?
Searching for a specific user to PM or ask a question?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then continue reading. The Find a Member option in your main options bar can help! But, for those who are just starting out, here's how you use it.

Where is it?
The option is very easy to reach. First of all, after you have logged on, on the far right sight of the main page (Index page) there will be your username in brackets [What this sentence is in now] and next to it will be the option 'Log Out'.
After logout, there will be the option members. Click on it, then select 'Find a Member.

What are all these Options?
First of all, if you are a begginer, ignore these options:
But, do not ignore the rest, the others are not essential, but the more you put in, the better.

I hope that helps all of you out there!