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Why can’t I type certain words in the multiplayer chat?

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:12 pm
by WQ Coordinator
To ensure safe and appropriate text chatting during the game, we have a limited lexicon of words. Though it may make some chatting more difficult, it's the best way we’ve found to keep this game family-friendly, and you should be able to say everything you’d need to say as a wolf. The chat function was added to allow players to better hunt and communicate as a pack, not to tell each other what your favorite movie or game is. If you'd like to suggest words to be added to the lexicon, you can post them on the 'Chat Lexicon" thread ( Please first check to make sure the words are not already in the lexicon, and if you're requesting more than 5 words, please list them in alphabetical order.

If you can't type any words in the chat, it may mean you have an old version of the game that no longer allows chatting. We remove the ability to chat in older versions of the game because they do not include some of the increased security filters we added to newer versions of the game. Make sure you have the most recent version of the game in order to be able to chat and take advantage of the increased chat security.

Note: we purposefully left out the terms "alpha" "beta" "delta" etc. from the chat lexicon because they are no longer accurate words for describing wolf packs and hierarchy. For more information about this, please read the "Wolf Pack Hierarchy" topic here: