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What does it mean to be a registered COPPA user?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:04 pm
by WQ Coordinator
COPPA is the Childrens' Online Privacy Protection Act. This federal (nation-wide) regulation requires us to have parent/guardian permission (with an actual signature) for any WolfQuest member in the United States who is younger than 13 years old. We are required to participate in this act because we ask for everyone's e-mail address when they create an account. (For more details, feel free to visit the COPPA site at

Members become COPPA users when they choose "age 12 or younger" during registration. If you are older than 12 and receive an e-mailed copy of the COPPA form, that means you chose the incorrect age category. If you live outside of the United States, we must still obtain parental consent, since most countries have similar laws.

Please note: if you are about to turn 13 and are a registered COPPA user, your account is not automatically switched over to 'Registered User' once you turn 13. You need to either fill out the form or ask to have your account deleted after you turn 13 so you can create a new account as a Registered User. (Follow the detailed directions about account deletions in other FAQ topics.)