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Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:27 am
by woofwoofwoof31168
I agree animals should be trained properly not beaten when the don't do what they're supposed to do!

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:30 am
by Lemon_Moon
I Have only gone to the circus once, and I was too small to think about all this stuff.
I really agree, circus living conditions are awful and animals don't deserve to be treated badly just to perform for the pleasure of humans.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:19 am
by LeSparkle
I've never been to a circus (maybe once when I was little) and I don't even plan to go to one. I knew about how do people treat animals there, you can even see that in cartoons! I really wonder why didn't anyone do something about it yet. If I ever went to a circus with animals, I'm sure I would just sit there and think about the poor animals, until everyone else would be laughing and clapping at the show. We can also see animals doing some great things in the wild. I don't see what's so special about that shows anyways. The way people there treat the animals is just too mean and there should be a law that prohibits such things.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:54 pm
by Floofysaur
I've been to a circus before, when I was little and when I was about 14 I guess. At the time I never really knew how animals were trained, I thought they would take care of the animals but frankly not at all. Abused in a way, just because they don't tolerate being taught or try to fight back. It reminds me of this one movie called "Two Brothers", which starred two brother tiger cubs. They were taken from their homeland in this village like jungle by men, once split up, the one was transferred to a circus, bought by a man who didn't want him to go there. The cub wouldn't cooperate and once he grew older, they trained him and tried to force him jump through the ring of fire, fight viciously and soon when he didn't want to do it, they caught him by his neck from the outside of the cage and....well not sure what happened because they cut it off. But it's ashamed to hear about these animals being abused. Especially elephants, a very intelligent mammal.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:41 am
by alethe
I watched Two Brothers as well, SpecialK. It was an interesting movie and showed just what's happening to animals in these conditions. (I don't remember what happened after that scene though. I was about 12-13 when I last watched it and only remember the big points. You should watch the rest if you can, though.)

I disagree with circuses. I went to one when I was 5 (I think. No idea) and I recall not liking it. (Maybe it was the clown.) Whatever the reason was, I'm not going to another one. Many of the animals there, specifically the monkeys, bears, and big cats, aren't meant to even be around people and trained. People have been training elephants for centuries, but for work and travel purposes, not for balancing and shows. Its incredibly awful.

woofwoofwoof31168 wrote:I agree animals should be trained properly not beaten when the don't do what they're supposed to do
Dogs, yes. They should be trained properly. Elephants, if its in the right conditions and for the right thing, maybe. Bears, big cats, and the rest of them shouldn't be trained AT ALL.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 7:55 am
by psy
I never go to circuses with animals because of this. How can these people just abuse these poor creatures for another person's PURE ENTERTAINMENT?? It's sick. Just SICK. This is why I only go to circuses with only acrobats, like Cirque Du Soleil: Because circuses with animals don't even care about what they are training.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 8:00 am
by Keytone
I used to go to the circus when I was little, but then I watched some horrifying videos on YouTube and I didn't want to go anymore.

I have a 3-year-old brother now, and I wish his parents wouldn't take him to the circus; it's odd because my dad hates the circus with a burning passion... It's true that his mom is the one who usually takes him, though.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:28 am
by GoldenTrigger
I think I've never been to a circus anyway...
I would be rather sad than amused watching those animals perform their tricks. Humanity disgusts me sometimes. I'm not saying that every person on earth abuses animals or something like that. Of course not. But the human kind in general has destroyed so much.
And that what people do to the animals in circuses... I wish someone would do the same things to them. Train them, beat them up for every mistake they make, lock them into cages until the show starts and then let them perform silly tricks (preferably in ugly, uncomfortable costumes) just to entertain the audience.

In my opinion it's way more beautiful and enjoyable watching animals in their natural habitat.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:51 pm
by WolfLover4556
I've been to a circus before, Barnum and Bailey's (Sorry for bad spelling if that's not right). But I was still a little kid then, I had no idea of what went on. That was until I picked up the book Sheep. It was a book that went through the life of a border collie wanting to return to his farm, but he was subjected to the horrors of performing at a circus in part of it. He was named "Sparky" while he was there, and the other animals in the circus told him the last Sparky had been beaten to death. This was my face when I read that- O_O. Ever since then I haven't attended one circus. Not one. I'm not against all circuses, however. Like you mentioned, some circuses are completely fine, and some use animals like dogs that are treated and trained with respect and kindness, treating them as well as ever and making sure they're happy. Only a few circuses do that, though. That makes me feel so sorry for them. And yet some people know about the way the animals are treated and just don't care because they want to see it. I bet if they'd been the animals they would've changed their minds if a microsecond. Anyways, thanks for viewing c:. I hope you agree with me.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:16 pm
by MistyWolf10101
I completely agree. It is cruel to steal animals from their natural habitats and force them to perform unnatural tricks just to entertain people.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 4:59 am
by D0m
This is the main reason I don't go to circus' basicly my American friend was going to go to her first ever one and as she was on her way they saw the circus van holding a tiger, a lion and a few monkeys. She then realised what happened at some circus' as she had never seen this before and she went home but she saw what they did after a few of her friends shown her a video, ever since she has checked if the circus uses animals and we made a whole rant about it. I find it sad people think they can tame these wild animals and keep them in cages. I just don't find it kind nor conservation. Its just cruelty in my eyes. Some people may enjoy it but what I find really cruel is that during the circus tigers or lions have to jump through fire hoop things, what I ask is : 'would you want to risk your life for entertainment, if not neither does this animal'. People just need to think about if they would like to do it.
Some people may not feel the same way but this is my opinion on the topic, everyone has a different one and I respect that. In England though it is illegal.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:26 pm
by KrazyWolff
Several times I went to the Barnum & Bailey circus. I was really young, with a high possibility of me going there even since I was 2, even though I don't remember being that young.

My most memorable time is when I was about 4 or 5 and I rode on an elephant in an enclosed area outside the circus tent because they were having this elephant riding thing. I think I rode it with somebody else because I was very young, but I don't remember who. Maybe it was my mom, who I remember being there. I don't quite know.

Anyways, the elephant walked around and stuff like that. I loved animals and I still do, so obviously I enjoyed riding the elephant a lot. I looked at the elephant and I didn't see ANY bullhook marks or even any sort of injury marks whatsoever on the elephant. In fact, I've never seen injury marks on any of the elephants nor the other animals that I remember seeing. They just looked like normal, healthy animals.

Yes, I know well that bullhooks do, in fact, exist. However, I don't think it's as bad as many PETA and HSUS supporters think. I mean, if an elephant got hit by a bullhook and it hurt really badly, don't you think that the elephant would try to attack the person with the bullhook in his/her hands? I mean, an elephant has enough power to easily stomp a human to death if they wanted to.

Same with the tigers, lions, and bears. They could all kill a human easily if they wanted to.

That's just my opinion.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 8:37 pm
by Latra
I truly think it depends on where you go and which circus you attend. I know there are some who treat their animals terribly, but they cant all be bad... right? I mean there have to be at least a few circuses who treat their animals humanely. It would be horrid if every circus beat their animals.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:47 pm
by laika_wolf
Abusing wild animals is really the only way to get them to do the unnatural tricks that they're forced to do. Besides, even if they didn't beat their animals, the circus life isn't a good one for any animal.

Re: The Circus - Fun for Humans, Abuse for Animals

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 9:50 am
by D0m
laika_wolf wrote:Abusing wild animals is really the only way to get them to do the unnatural tricks that they're forced to do. Besides, even if they didn't beat their animals, the circus life isn't a good one for any animal.
But being beaten isn't good for them, doing those tricks isn't good for them.

I think all in all animals just shouldn't perform at the circus.
