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Hunting Strategy

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:20 am
by soft_descent
I read an article about wolf restoration and management in Idaho and it said that wolves like to hunt on ridge lines so that they can chase their prey downhill where it's more likely to trip, and you'll often find wolf kills in valleys/ravines/creek beds. Idaho is I think the most mountainous state in America so maybe that's particular to Idaho wolves, but I've been trying it out on WQ. Since WQ prey doesn't seem to trip it doesn't work out as intended but I still like having a method beyond attack, from tracking to kill. Does anybody else have a go-to system for hunts?

Re: Hunting Strategy

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 1:02 am
by SkyRiderMusic
If I'm a wolf with a low speed stat, I like to chase the elk towards obstacles to get them to split and turn. It's a but hectic and you might accidentally get kicked, but it will allow you to catch up with the weak elk you're hunting

Re: Hunting Strategy

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 9:08 am
by -Wolfdog-
Most of the time I chase the elk until they run out of enough stamina. If there's a forest nearby, I'll herd them into it so the elk have less escape routes. Sometimes when there's a lake or a river I wait until the elk cross over.

I actually like hunting on ridge lines in WQ, I do it because the prey can't escape and I'm safer from other predators.

Re: Hunting Strategy

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 9:44 am
by Kitsuhime
I usually play on lower stamina or speed, therefore intimidating techniques (emotes) and biting members stranded farther from the herd is my tactic if they stand on their ground. If they do not, I gallop (not sprint, for that it might drain my stamina) till weaker members slow down and fall behind, bite once till i find the weakest and kill them. We can't herd them in AE, but it's really useful when they run into the rocks of a river or cliff edges, they all slow down and try to find a suitable way to run farther from the edge, which makes it easier to pinpoint weaker members. So yeah.. Any questions and comments are welcome ^^

Re: Hunting Strategy

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 11:27 am
by soft_descent
I hadn't thought to use emotes on other animals. I just assumed it was for wolves/would only work on them. The multitasking aspect of using the emote panel while doing something really active like that though... *big stress*

Re: Hunting Strategy

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2021 5:34 pm
by -Wolfdog-
It's not as hard as it sounds, you should only use emotes when the elk aren't intimidated by you (this way they're not running away/you're busy attacking), however, you should be careful when doing emotes such as fearful snark, since this requires you to stand in place for it to work. This has backfired on me more than once when an elk charged me while I was doing this emote, they can get aggressive if you're not intimidating at all.