Ideas for Future Updates

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Re: Ideas for Future Updates

Post by noir_187 » Wed May 01, 2024 10:41 pm

the new hellroaring mountain map leads outside of yellowstone park

why not make the anniversary edition of lost river accessible by passing hellroaring mountain’s northern border?
it would be an awesome way to tie together all the dlc maps and make the full package if wolfquest one cohesive experience.
i loved lost rivers atmosphere when i played the trial map.
i hated that i cannot travel between maps when i choose it like with the yellowstone maps.
it is the reason i did not buy lost river today and chose hellroaring mountain instead.

i would really like to see this change:
hares are too easy to kill. it is not very realistic the way they are regarded in the game as a quick, easy snack.
hares are extremely fast.
in real life, it nearly always takes two or three wolves at least to kill one. they try to corner it.

straight up running a hare down should be impossible.

i’ve seen a group of about four wolves split a hare together, as they could not find any other food.
hares should be light but not easy game. they are much faster
and often escape. they should require smart chasing and coordination with a hunting partner, then yield about three to four small bites. maybe yield as much as a meat chunk?
i like the idea of working with my mate to catch one and sharing it.

there is still a need for prey that occupies the niche hares currently do.
hares are not a realistic candidate. i would like to suggest using montane voles and yellow bellied marmots.
wolves prey on these animals in real life. they do not favor them because they are small and voles only provide a morsel for one. marmots are a little more.

they are not fast at all like rabbits. a wolf can outrun one quite effortlessly.
they rely on slipping away into cover and burrows.

i’d also like to see adult wolves be able to snag the creatures pups can too!
i think it would be a cute, fun touch.

also, stranger wolf territoriality is too extreme. wolves are not inclined to run miles and miles, viciously attacking and persistently trying to kill even intruder wolves under most circumstances.

i think there should be a radius around the rival packs dens.
they should be more or less aggressive depending on how close you are to the den.

if you are on the outskirts
they should not be running you down, trying to kill you and your mate even after you all have made it past their borders.

i think there also should be yield acknowledgment by npc wolves.
it is very frustrating and often upsetting when you do not want to fight the npc wolves but they are relentlessly trying to kill you and your mate.
i had a mate for my wolf in my current playthrough whom i loved very much for her. i had mate permadeath on to start with in case he would die tragically after they had pups.
i had to turn it off during the encounter i had tonight because losing him to this insane ai was too upsetting.

i think they should be more responsive to the players actions, and sensitive to your proximity to den/borders.

it is defensiveness.
my thoughts are this:
close to the den they should behave not unlike how they currently do.
they are willing to kill you.
if you won’t leave, they will try to do it.

they will chase you away. they’ll chase you and will attack you up to a certain point
if you aren’t fighting back, they will stop attacking you but they will continue chasing you. using submissive emotes should help but it shouldn’t be necessary.

aggression wears down the father you go away from their densite.
nearer to the borders, especially if the hexes are weaker, they still should not tolerate your presence but they should be more cautious of jumping immediately to fight.
i think they should have a “tolerance” meter
they technically do now.

if you’re not deep in the territory and are behaving peacefully (walking, resting; hunting they should try to stop you), they should confront you and pressure you to leave by using hostile emotes.
they’ll react accordingly to your responses.
hostile/defensive emotes from the player will cause the strangers aggression meter to rise
depending on the wolves boldness and status, it will continue emoting or even jump straight to attacking then.

if you leave peacefully
they should trail you
but if you insist on proceeding further into their territory
they will confront you.

in the wild, every last fight a wolf here into might mean its death.
in disputes, wolves intend to drive away. they are not set on killing. they want to be safe. they want the threat gone.

they will warn first unless it is urgent, like their pups are being threatened.

right now, npcs are too kill thirsty.
i’d like to see them be a bit more cautious as well as the opportunity for more social engagements with other wolves.

speaking of social engagements, i would love to see dispersal wolves try to court the player! especially males trying to get the attention of females.
i noticed some seem to start with more interest
maybe they already want to get to know you better and they want to convince you to give them a chance.

i had an encounter in the game where one female dispersal drove my wolf away from a male dispersal.
i loved this!
it is very realistic.
i would like to see more things like this.
i had the thought when my wolf was approached by a group of male dispersals that there should be competition between them.

all of them came to her. all of them were interested in becoming her mate. she will only choose one of them. they all want it to be them.

rival dispersals of the same sex will attack you readily. especially males vs males, it seems like.

i think as you are socializing with the group, tension should rise between them as the dispersals interest rises.
the more interested they are, the more they should want to keep other males/females away from you.

it would lead to some very fun scenes i imagine, haha!

i also thought as i was raising pups in my other save that it would be great if walking together with your pups and mate would raise affinity.
canines in real life view walking as a social activity. they feel closer to their pack as they walk together as a pack.

i imagine it would be leisurely walking together at a certain proximity to each other.
sitting closely together too.
being close in general is a way all animals bond, by simply sharing presence.

the game recognizes this already when pups are sick.
i would love it if sharing presence built relationships too.

i also like the idea of playing games with our pups and mate.
things like chasing each other
or playing keep away, with mates and pups now able to try to take things from our player character. (can start tug, too)

games would be initiated a lot like how canines really do.
mates and pups could play bow and run off
they’ll often stop a few yards from you and look expectantly with a wagging tail

you can run at them and they’ll run away, which will raise affinity once when the game starts.

play fights with your mate and pups could be fun too.
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Re: Ideas for more Antler/Horn variations for Ungulates

Post by DinoDogDude209 » Fri May 24, 2024 10:37 pm

I personally think it would help the immersion a lot to have more antler/horn configurations for male ungulates, because in real life, two different bucks/bulls can often look pretty different from one another. Here are some different ideas for elk, moose, mule deer and pronghorn.

1. Bull elk. Currently we have a few different antler shapes for bull and spike elk in the game, all of which are preset configurations. I like the current configurations that we have in the game, although my main issue with them is that there's only a few configurations and many of those are very unique. For example, it seems like you have the classic mature bull antler set, one or two smaller ones that always seem to be asymmetrical, and a few wacky non-typical antler configurations that are common in the game, when in reality they should be pretty rare. I think we need a few more antler configurations for the sake of variety and realism so that the more unique ones can be a little less common. The way it is currently, every bull elk herd I come across has had several elk with the wacky nontypical configurations, and seeing the same extremely unique configuration over and over again on different elk is very jarring and immersion-breaking. Elk are the most common ungulate in the game, so I think they need to have the most variety of antler configurations. Below I'll post some links to some images of Rocky Mountain Elk with some more typical antler configurations that I think would look good in the game.
Taxidermy of a young bull elk with multiple angles
A mature bull elk at Bearizona Wildlife Park
A stock photo of a young bull elk, with short antler tines
Various pictures of Elk that have a variety of different unique antler configurations

2. Bull moose. The moose in Yellowstone (and the American mountain west in general) are Shiras Moose, a moose subspecies that often has smaller antlers than the bull moose we see in the game. The one we have in the game currently seems to be based on a healthy mature male in his prime, but obviously in real life most bull moose you come across aren't like that. It would be nice if there were just a few more antler configurations that the bull moose in WolfQuest could have. It would be nice to have an antler configuration based on a yearling bull moose with six- to eight inch forked antlers. It would also be nice to have a mature moose antler configuration that has smaller palms/paddles that have less overall mass than the current one does. I also think that a bull moose with a special version of the original antler configuration, one that has one broken antler (not shed, but with the main part of the antler broken off from fighting) would be a pretty neat thing to come across as a rare spawn in Fall (when the rutting season is for moose). Since moose are a species that are encountered infrequently in the game, I think that having three or four antler configurations (with at least one or two asymmetrical ones) will be enough for replay value and realism.

3. Mule Deer bucks. Currently all mule deer bucks have the same classic large rack, with both the second and third tine being forked. While this can happen, it's certainly not the only way mule deer antlers can grow. Many bucks only have the second tine forked and not the shorter third tine. In the case of younger bucks, their antlers might not even fork at all, having an antler configuration more typical of White-tailed Deer. Young bucks can also have a forked antler configuration that is much more narrow. Mule Deer can grow antlers that are slightly taller and not as wide as the ones in the game currently. They can also have one or both of the brow tines (first tine growing off from the main beam) broken off from fighting. They can also have one or more small nontypical tines growing out to the side off of their antlers, which are called stickers. They can also have very wide and thick antlers with fewer tines but a lot of mass. Sometimes a buck might have antlers that fork once and then fork again, on the same tine, and generally these bucks have much taller antlers in general with more mass. And of course, we can't forget about the non typical antlers that Mule Deer bucks can have, which can get really wild and crazy. Of course, the classic Mule Deer antler configuration that we have currently in the game is great and should remain in the game, but having more variations would help to make each one we encounter seem like its own unique animal. For Mule Deer, I think six or seven preset antler configurations would probably be enough to explore the different possibilities for them.

4. Pronghorn bucks. Currently all Pronghorn bucks that we can come across have the same classic mature set of horns, which are the same length and hook inward the same. Pronghorn bucks generally don't have as much variety in the horns as the antlered species have in their antlers. However, in real life there are clear differences between different Pronghorn bucks, especially ones of different ages. There are some that grow shorter, straighter horns, some with larger horns that hook inward (like the ones in the game currently), ones with horns that spread outward more before hooking inward, and some have a larger prong on their horns than others do. They also sometimes have noticeably asymmetrical horns. Since most pronghorn horns have the same basic shape with just a few slight differences, I think four or five horn variations in total will be enough to be realistic.

Since all of the Bison in the game currently are meant to be old bull bison, I don't see a need to make different horn configurations for them.

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Flexible Hunting Hours Please!

Post by redblondefox » Sat Nov 02, 2024 5:28 pm

Okay, first I want to say that I love the updates in the 3rd Saga of Wolf Quest. Thank you to the team for your hard work. The graphics are perfect, the different options to customize my wolf are endless and amazing, and so far, the experience of the game has been overall wonderful. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

With such great improvements to the game, there is one major disappointment that I have found that I dislike about it. Hopefully, you are working on the updates to adjust this one issue. I would really like to have my wolves hunt at different times of the day when I play. I understand that you wanted to make everything run like a calendar. I also understand that you wanted to the experience to mimic the life of an actual wolf. And that's the problem. Wolves are opportunists. Day, night, dawn, dusk. It really doesn't matter. They will hunt if the opportunity presents itself. Also, a wolf's sleep cycle is almost similar to that of us humans. They sleep 8 hours at the least.

Could you please in the following updates allow wolves the ability to hunt at all hours of the day and night? Thank you and excellent job with Wolf Quest 3. I'm looking forward to the rest of the updates.
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Re: Ideas for Future Updates

Post by Razzey » Thu Nov 21, 2024 6:55 pm

Some additional coat colors, and maybe an actual physical fur formation

Additional coat color ideas:
1. “Red Phase”
•Description: A reddish-brown coat with dark black highlights along the back and tail, and cream-colored underfur on the chest and legs.
•Inspiration: Wolves with a “red wolf” appearance, blending traits of gray wolves and rare color phases in warmer climates

2. “Shadowed Cream”
•Description: A pale, creamy coat with darker “shadow” streaks along the sides and back, fading into a white undercoat.
•Inspiration: This coat would emulate leucistic wolves that still retain some natural pigmentation, found in rare genetic mutations

3. “Smoky Black Saddle”
•Description: A nearly black coat with a distinct “saddle” of dark gray or lighter brown across the shoulders and back.
•Inspiration: Some black wolves display saddle patterns due to the agouti gene interacting with the K-locus (responsible for black fur)

4. Ash Speckle
•Description: A medium-gray coat covered with subtle flecks of white and darker gray, creating a mottled, ashy appearance.
•Inspiration: This would reflect wolves from heavily forested or volcanic regions, blending in with shadowy and rocky terrain, like HRM.

5. “Golden Agouti”
•Description: A golden-brown coat with a mix of black-tipped hairs, creating an agouti effect. Darker accents would appear along the muzzle, ears, and legs.
•Inspiration: This reflects golden wolf hybrids or rare agouti gene expressions in wild wolves

6. “Melanistic Streaked”
•Description: A primarily black coat with streaks of gray or dark brown across the flanks, creating a dramatic and unique look.
•Inspiration: Melanism often allows for partial patterns to appear, and this would showcase that genetic complexity


-patching/mange patches along the body, perhaps the flank or shoulder area, with a slider to change how large the patches are
-fur length can maybe be seasonal, with maybe a slider for how long it is or maybe a gradual process through the seasons to see that expressed on the wolf model
-a scar slider or sub section of choosing out of a list of scars to add to your wolf model
-a slider or option to choose whisker length. Super small detail but even wolves whiskers are genetically unique
-larger canines and claw length. Would be cool to see some subtly larger ones to choose, not unrealistically large but enough to peak out from their lips a bit!

-add super rare genetic coat mutations, like an albino wolf you might have to actually come across and woo to achieve the coat color!
- add seasonal events, maybe rng can determine future droughts or harsh winters/snows, floods, or it could be tied to the elk population in game, it could be a pop up telling you are going through a drought and prey will be scarce, etc
-please add cute cuddling/sitting emotes with your mate or pups, sometimes you just wanna lay next to them yk?

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SUGGESTION: Toggle for flashing effects

Post by fusgia » Mon Dec 02, 2024 7:23 pm

Hi! I was wondering if in a future update, a toggle-able setting for flashing lights (i.e. lightning) could be added to disable the visual for anything that could trigger migraines or seizures. Thanks!

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Re: Ideas for Future Updates

Post by Invar » Sun Dec 22, 2024 11:27 pm

noir_187 wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 10:41 pm

hares are too easy to kill. it is not very realistic the way they are regarded in the game as a quick, easy snack.
hares are extremely fast.
in real life, it nearly always takes two or three wolves at least to kill one. they try to corner it.

straight up running a hare down should be impossible.
They're super fast but if you can keep track of them you ought to be able to run them down when they tire out much sooner than you.

The trouble with the marmots is they're not available in winter.

I hope that in the future there will be more small game you can catch by stealth or snap up if you bumble upon it. Muskrats, wood-rats, pika, frogs, wild turkeys, grouse, geese, ducks, swans, etc. A lot of work for the developers.

I'd like to see seasonal nests of goose (etc) eggs you might find.

I think the coolest solution to fill the game-mechanics niche the hares fill would be to have you start out in a pack -- if you're not able to find enough to eat on your own you can go home to mom and dad and eat from their kills, so long as you don't growl at them or your siblings too much and haven't been away too long.

noir_187 wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 10:41 pm

also, stranger wolf territoriality is too extreme. wolves are not inclined to run miles and miles, viciously attacking and persistently trying to kill even intruder wolves under most circumstances.
I think a lot of people would prefer less wolf-on-wolf conflict in the game. I like your ideas for it.

Thing is, it's pretty accurate for Yellowstone wolves. The elk population there is high, packs can get enough to eat with smaller territories but have a lot of conflict with neighboring packs. Other sites where wolves are studied find pack territories to be larger, with no-wolf's-land gaps arond, less territorial aggression and wolves being less likely to die in fights with other wolves. I haven't tried any of the add-on maps for Saga yet, but I am hoping that Hellroarer will have less territorial pressure.

It'd like to see other environments eventually. High Arctic WolfQuest, etc, where the dynamics are different. Wolves wolf a little differently in different habitats.

It would also be fun to have 'WolfQuest 1995' where your wolf is a fictional fifteenth wolf from the first release and you probably won't feel territory pressure for a few years.

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Re: Ideas for Future Updates

Post by Skrillning » Tue Dec 24, 2024 7:09 pm

I would like more animals- the map can feel pretty empty and overpopulated with wolves. Some ideas are black bears, ducks and geese, bobcats and/or lynxes, badgers, chipmunks, mountain goats, otters, and marmots.

More coats would also be fun. I would enjoy more gray, brown and reddish coats. I would like to see more possible interactions between wolves—minor fights over scraps between pack mates, wolves drinking water, sibling rivalry, more dynamic courtship (perhaps some wolves could immediately be interested in you, some could abandon you, help you out a bit in a hunt in an effort to impress you, and they are more active in seeking you out themselves) and perhaps a feature where when you are sleeping a pup could wake up with a radio collar.

Ideas for spicing up territory marking: “Critical Hexes” are the hexes closest to your homesite and if one of those are taken over your entire territory falls. Border hexes are easy to mark but critical hexes have several scent posts you must mark to keep strength strong. You can scratch trees to increase territory strength, applying boosted hex recovery. Marking your scent post will fully boost hex strength, but you can also spend time hunting and resting in the hex to decrease hex degradation for a short amount of time too.

A optional minimap on the bottom right of the screen would be wonderful.
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Re: Ideas for Future Updates

Post by Invar » Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:46 pm

Optional mini-map, and optional picture-in-picture Smellovision. I would much rather run around seeing more landscape and in colour, but scent-view is really more practical, and it's unrealistic when I run headlong into a bear that was upwind of me because I didn't spot it in the trees.

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Re: Ideas for Future Updates

Post by Skrillning » Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:53 pm

When you’re a lone wolf, the seasons are very accelerated (experimented a little on a wolf and it seems to take about 8 sleeps, give or take) and while I think this is a perfect amount of time I would love the option to stay in a season, like how you can stay in a season forever hanging out with your mate or pups if you want. It would be nice to just stay in summer or fall forever as a lone wolf if you wanted.

Additionally, I would really appreciate a (toggleable, maybe) confirmation window for staying or moving to a next quest because I accidentally moved to Growing Pups when I had 25% health and the pups were already hungry. :shock: Because I accidentally clicked it, one of my pups died and both me and my mate would’ve starved to death if a carcass hadn’t spawned.

Which leads me to my next suggestion: please, please, please make pups feed faster, because I had found plenty of food but it literally took so long for my pup to eat he died of starvation even though he had been eating regurgitant for thirty seconds straight. Watching the hunger bar tick up incredibly slowly as your pup’s health rockets downwards, knowing it’ll die with food right in front of it is…not a fun experience.

Final suggestion relating to wolf howls. Muting Nearby Howls does not seem to affect howling dispersal wolves. As someone with misophonia I would really appreciate it if the team added the option to mute certain wolf howls (for multiplayer games) and/or prevent NPC wolves from having certain howls (for single player games). A small handful of howls make me feel very ill, sometimes causing me to leave a multiplayer game or abandon a potential mate, and I would love a setting for that if it wouldn’t be too troublesome to implement.

Thank you for considering!
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