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"Reinstating" a Dead Wolf

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 8:59 am
by Skrillning
Okay, I was experimenting with my wolves when the cogs started turning, and I discovered this nifty trick (glitch? hack? not even sure) you can do if one of your Ironwolves dies early or if your wolf got just too old! It can maybe be used to re-roll pup coats, but I'm not entirely sure! :mrgreen:

Please note that for this trick to work, your wolf has to be a pup with a viewable family tree and parents you can access. :D

Here are the steps!
1. Find the pup that you have grown to adulthood and is dead.
2. Delete the pup (This is the hardest part :oops: )
3. Go into the parent's family tree.
4. Find the pup.
5. Re-grow them into a playable wolf.

And presto! Your wolf is alive again! I'm proud to say that I found this trick/glitch/hack without even knowing it existed. If you use this trick via this guide, please credit me when telling your friends! :wolf:
Update: re-rolling pup coats does not seem to work, proving that the game must set those values as a pup is born! :D

Re: "Reinstating" a Dead Wolf

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 6:08 pm
by Neamara
This is a pretty old save exploit. ^^; Still, it's one of the more useful ones if you play ironwolf using your wolf's offspring.

Regarding rerolling coats, pups possess fixed values from the moment they are generated which occurs at the start of the Establish Your Territory mission. Used to be that they weren't generated until you had completed the Find a Den mission, but because that was also the point in time where litter size would also be determined, it was patched out to prevent players from manipulating it. So there's no way to reroll their genetics, attributes or personalities without having to start a new game or reloading a save made in Endless Summer and then jumping to the next year to generate a new litter. A pre-Establish Your Territory save might work for rerolling in Lost River (DLC) but I have not yet tested that.