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Can you play WolfQuest Anniversary Ed. offline?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 6:38 pm
by Jellyfrog
Just as the title says. I can get access to internet to download the game but I want to know if I can then take it offline and successfully play the full game offline in singleplayer?

Re: Can you play WolfQuest Anniversary Ed. offline?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 1:06 pm
by Neamara
Hi Jellyfrog,

The game requires an internet connection only for installation, updates, and of course online play and messaging. Apart from that, once it has been installed on your computer, you can play single-player without an internet connection.

Be forewarned that by playing offline, you do lose cloud sync so if anything happens (e.g., save corruption) you may run the risk of losing some progress. If you have any DLC, I'm not too clear on how it will work if you're offline over a prolonged period of time.