Whole map takeover?

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Whole map takeover?

Post by Apfrolluk_ » Mon Dec 16, 2024 9:00 pm

Since I started the Saga with my wolf Arnaaluk, the playthrough has devolved into a game of Hexanaut, quite literally.

All I originally had in mind was for her to just live her life...

Welp, 20 hours, 13 wolves and 4 packs eliminated later, and I'm starting to wonder if it's possible...

First it was the Needle pack, which I disbanded.

Then Shallow Creek, who were easily taken care of.

Lamar Canyon to the east was swallowed up some time ago.

Raven Creek somehow claimed a small hex, but we took care of that.

One alpha from the Amphitheater pack is done for and we'll finish it up once the pups of the year have healed up a bit more.

We have well over half the map now. The only real threat is the Mollies, the only one of the original packs still left.

(I lead Rescue Creek, as I killed their former female alpha.)

So is it possible to conquer the whole map? With no vacancies, can packs even do anything? Or will the game force you to share the map with others?
My Main Wolves: Freya (ironwolf), Arnaaluk (one-wolf story), and Apollo (first wolf)
Legacy roleplayer, pack conqueror
Legacies: Ironwolf, Goldwolf (regular), all-female, all-male, and *undecided*

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Re: Whole map takeover?

Post by Skrillning » Sat Dec 21, 2024 12:29 pm

I was curious about that too and went on a killing spree on one of my wolves. I’ve killed 12 packs total but I moved to a different map today. As far as I know, the packs keep spawning in even if you eliminate them. I’m guessing if you kill enough packs, the randomized names will run out and eventually circle back to already used ones, but I’m not entirely certain.
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