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Re: What Other "Quest" Games Would You Like to Have?

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 2:21 pm
by Windstrider
Hyena, Lion, and Leopard Quests sound cool. And they'd all be viable since they would have similar basic goals to WQ (hunting, socializing, raising young).

Some sort of aquatic themed Quest would also be really interesting and unique (maybe a WhaleQuest or could involve a migration mission and raising a calf). An OctopusQuest might be complicated, but they're so intelligent and curious, and that would allow for a lot of interaction with surroundings, and maybe some puzzle mini-games or something like that. There would also be a 'care for/watch over your eggs' mission if you play as a female octopus.

Re: What Other "Quest" Games Would You Like to Have?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:21 pm
by 2wolf22
HorseQuest. It's probably been suggested here, but imagine being a herd leader or however the system works. You could expand your herd with new foals. I think the stallions disperse, though. It would be the first game simulating wild horses in a realistic manner. Not many apps do have researched accuracy. And this EduWeb series could live on in another big hit game! :butterfly:

Re: What Other "Quest" Games Would You Like to Have?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:39 pm
by CanyonStorm
2wolf22 wrote:HorseQuest. It's probably been suggested here, but imagine being a herd leader or however the system works. You could expand your herd with new foals. I think the stallions disperse, though. It would be the first game simulating wild horses in a realistic manner. Not many apps do have researched accuracy. And this EduWeb series could live on in another big hit game! :butterfly:
Considering that horses have a fandom similar to wolves, I could see a HorseQuest game being very popular. And just think of the customization options!

Personally I want to see more video games that take place in an open underwater environment. Going from that, OrcaQuest! Orcas have such a wide range that there would be a variety of environments to choose from, very useful if they want multiple maps. Orcas are social, so you'd get to have pod dynamics. And there are different orca ecotypes that have different diets and sometimes, different social behaviors, so depending on where the game takes place you could choose from different ecotypes. I think the Pacific Northwest would be a good location since you get residents, transients, and offshore. Only downside is that orcas don't face many natural threats, which could take away some challenge, but that's why I'd want to see a human element added to the game. You might be harmed by fishing nets, boat strikes, sonar testing, oil spills, overfishing, etc. But the human element isn't all bad, there's a chance they'll come to the rescue if you get stranded or entangled. Also orcas have enough variation that you could customize unique characters that are still accurate to the wild. Due to the nature of orca social structure, gameplay experience would be a little different depending on whether you're a male or female orca.

TigerQuest is my next choice. Having a solitary animal would be something different, and it would be cool to play in a jungle environment. BearQuest (GrizzlyQuest, perhaps?) would be cool too, I've been getting into bears lately.

Another thing is, I think it would be cool to see a Quest game focused on a specific area and you get to choose from a variety of species to play as. (like the plans for Saurian) Each species would offer a different gameplay experience. It could also make online play more interesting. Imagine a YellowstoneQuest, where you play not only as wolves, but bears, moose, mountain lions, maybe even foxes.

A fantasy animal Quest game would be cool, but I wouldn't expect that since this developer focuses on educational games, ha ha. Maybe someone else would make it though.

Re: What Other "Quest" Games Would You Like to Have?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 7:32 am
by Flamesky
I would like a game centered around cougars. Since they can live in both Canada and South America, this would allow for a wider variety of settings and habitats. Cougars are strong and fast, but don't have the stamina of a wolf. So this would require you to stalk deer, try to remain unseen by your prey, and use different strategies than a wolf. I would like the game to have the option of playing as either a male or a female cougar; each would come with its own set of challenges. You would spend a lot of time defending your territory from other cougars if you played as a male. Some wildlife simulation games that I've looked up on Steam only allow you to play as a mother raising young, which I feel is limiting.

Re: What Other "Quest" Games Would You Like to Have?

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 5:59 pm
by elkhunter123456
CoyoteQuest would be nice because coyotes are predotors but not at the top of the food chain. also could torment wolves :)

Re: What Other "Quest" Games Would You Like to Have?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 11:54 pm
by Aesir26
Honestly, I would like to see a Quest game for any sort of animal that has a social structure. Dolphins or orcas, definitely lions, horses, etc.

Re: What Other "Quest" Games Would You Like to Have?

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 6:02 pm
by xc92u3
What is wrong with me XD