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How accurately does this game depict real wolf behavior?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:04 pm
by Pepper
WolfQuest is an engaging and interactive window into the lives of wolves, drawing on the latest scientific research in wolf biology to ensure the accuracy of the gameplay. To achieve this goal, we worked closely with top experts in the field, including Dr. David L. Mech, Senior Scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey and renowned wolf biologist, along with Wolf Keepers from the Minnesota Zoo and other zoos around the country.
Currently, as we develop new episodes, we are consulting with our science advisor Dr. Daniel R. MacNulty, Utah State University and International Wolf Center Wolf Curator Lori Schmidt. Everything that is or will be in the game has been checked and double-checked by experts to ensure a high amount of realism.

Of course, it is impossible to simulate all aspects of a wolf's life with complete accuracy (even if we knew everything there is to know about wolves). Furthermore, wolves spend large portions of their days doing things that are not particularly exciting for players, like resting and sleeping. In the end, our goal is to create a game that melds real wolf behavior and biology with exciting and meaningful gameplay.