
Huge and cantankerous

Moose are the largest members of the deer family and one of the largest mammals in Yellowstone. A moose would make a hearty meal for a pack of wolves – if they can take it down. Moose have formidable defenses, so healthy adults are rarely killed. Predators have more luck with sick or old moose, or calves.

Moose may look awkward but their long legs are well-suited to run fast, wade and swim in water, and move through deep snow. Male moose grow huge antlers each year. A flap of skin known as a "bell" dangles under the neck and has no known function.

Bull moose shed their antlers each year and grow new ones in time for the autumn rut. Antlers can grow up to 1.8 meters (6 feet) wide!

Quick Facts

Moose (Alces alces)

There are fewer than 200 moose in Yellowstone so they are not a main food source for wolves. Moose love water. It keeps them cool, offers a delicious salad bar, and keeps biting insects at bay. They can submerge to eat, closing their nostrils so water stays out. Except during the rut, moose are found alone or in small family groups. Males grow and shed new antlers each year.

In Europe, moose (Alces alces) are also called elk. In North America, only Cervus canadensis are called elk (or wapiti).

SIZE: 454 kg (1,000lbs); 2 meters (7 feet) at the shoulder.

TOP SPEED: 56 kph (35 mph)

DIET: Herbivores (eat plants): prefer willow, aspen, and aquatic plants.

Moose in WolfQuest

Moose are found throughout the game map and are most active at dawn and dusk.

Moose will either stand their ground or flee when threatened. A group of wolves working cooperatively may be able to take down an adult moose.

Watch out for sharp hooves and male antlers. Moose are more dangerous than elk.

Moose calves are easier to kill – if you can avoid the wrath of mother moose.